Assist, Protect, Defend by Phil Pierce
Assist, Protect, Defend reads the Military Police Regimental Crest. There are no other words that could better define the role of the Military Police. The painting consists of several elements. The left side of the painting depicts the current war on terrorism dating back to 9/11 with the fallen towers in the distance, in its foreground are Military Police on a combat mission defending our nation. The right side depicts two Military Police assisting young Afghan children just outside what could possibly be their village, demonstrating their ability to operate as warrior and protector showing just how diverse their job is. The center represents the protecting nature of the Military Police, it can be assumed that they are protecting the Regimental Crest they surround or perhaps their protection of the regiment and all they stand for. The young man on the left and the young female on the right speak to the diversity of their ranks. No other Branch calls upon Men and Women to operate together, with the same mission. The Military working dog represents the dedication the Soldiers have to their K 9 partners but also the military’s tremendous pride in the Military Working dog and its program. The young Soldier in the center of the represents the Military Police of today and into the future, his new uniform with advanced Body Armor and stance clearly show the Military Police are ready for whatever will be asked of them in the future. On his left arm he wears a MP Brassard to indicate that for all of his advancements in gear, clothing, equipment and training he or she will always be connected to their proud history and those Military Police who came before them. Finally, the dirt coming outside the paintings clean lines says that although tomorrow is unknown we will use what we have learned to ensure our success in the future.